CSST Meeting Notes 2/28/18
CSST Meeting Notes 2/28/18
Nancy Turner began the meeting with a discussion of library strategic teams
- Strategic Team model is a new iterative approach to fulfilling the strategic objectives/actions
- Team structure is based on pre-existing spheres of action...research data, scholarly communication
- Each team has a presence on Confluence
- The first two teams took 2-3 months to talk about and draft their charge and priorities
- Teams are self-directed groups focused on impact for the entire library in a holistic way
- Teams are intended to have a flat structure, within team Brian is not our boss
- Specificity of the charge? Up to us, but look at other teams that are posted
- For goals, we want to think both short term and long term
- Regarding membership, we should balance specific strengths in our areas with a broader view of collections
Brian Schoolar next discussed a few housekeeping issues
- A Team Drive is open to us
- We will rotate who takes notes, going alphabetically by last name
- For the short term, we will have weekly meetings on March 7 and March 14; following that, we will perhaps meet biweekly and reassess the needed frequency
- The Physical Collections Working Group has overlaps with this one (Brian S, Justin, Margery, Karen)
ACTION ITEM: Members will brainstorm the scope of collection strategy and put their individual notes in the Team Drive by COB on Monday 3/5/18
The remainder of the meeting was spent with initial brainstorming, including the following
- Ejournal prices, needed by HSL faculty
- Budget strategy, optimizing access with limited resources
- Collections that support research, scholarship, instruction from strategic document
- Collection development policy
- Financial pressure...academic library can't do it all
- Tightening pressures require us to differentiate ourself via unique collections
- Various formats/models (big deal, PDA, EBA, etc.) for collection purchasing
- Platform requirements (e.g. DRM free)
- Space management, different models of acquisition PDA as it relates to ILL
- Collaborative collection development
- Costs of having an item over its lifetime, withdrawal
- Access vs ownership, how does this apply across collections and does material, format, change this?
- Deselection esp. with space concerns
- Collection strengths
- Open access resources and OER, how do we prioritize that?
- More discussions across the library about principles, policies, practice to align practice with principles.
- How are orders deduplicated?
- Audience for collections (e.g. Online classes, med school teachers)
- Public relations value of collections (leisure reading could have intangible value for staff, alumni)