CSST Meeting Notes 6/6/18
CSST Meeting Notes 6/6/18
Update on Hathitrust Shared Print program
- Temple is now listed on the HathiTrust site as member. They are having a web conference in a couple of weeks (June 19) and Karen will attend to learn more of the details. When they give us our list (to be sent in the fall), then we sign that we are committed. They will ask for feedback on the retention criteria. They don’t require that we check the shelf for holdings. Question on what categories we want to commit to, before we agree to retain. Do we want to offer to commit to certain categories? What is the advantage of being a member? Answer - we don’t have to retain titles that other institutions have agreed to retain. Hathi is trying to leverage it as a lending network as well.
Collection Development Policy Group
- Brian B. has agreed to serve, as well as Fred R. and Karen K.. Brian Schoolar will be involved in some level. Other staff may be involved to offer feedback. Group will ask Sarah Jones if she would be willing to serve - which would bring the Group membership up to 4.
Elsevier discussion
- Temple is part of the big Elsevier deal -- $2,250,000 commitment. This represents a big proportion of the overall collection budget. Karen is compiling usage data.
- Brian had a meeting with Elsevier recently, where they discussed opting out of the Big Deal. We would subscribe title by title at a higher per-title price and rely on ILL / document delivery for unsubscribed articles.
- For core titles, we would have back access up to 2018. Non-core titles - we would lose all access, and then have to provide access via an alternative method.
- There may be increased ILL load as a result of this change. Could be both HSL and Paley ILL staff impacted.
- Discussed communication strategy to faculty.
- Meeting with Elsevier reps in late July. Brian, Barb and Beth from Fox Chase.