CSST Meeting Notes 10/24/18

CSST Meeting Notes 10/24/18

Collection Development policy update

  • Policy was reviewed with LRS -- one sentence change to define that it applies to info resources, not equipment
  • Next steps: Brian S will share with Steven Bell, then it will be taken for Executive approval

Elsevier update

  • Waiting for an updated Elsevier offer - expected late October
  • There's a Health Sciences advisory meeting Nov 8, Barb would like Brian or Joe to present as a preparation for upcoming cuts

Purchase on demand pilot being tested by Emily and developers

  • Marc records for ebooks unavailable via DDA model would be loaded into Library Search.
  • Titles would have a “purchase on demand” facet and lead to a request form in Blacklight--usually 24-48 hour turnaround for firm order

In Ebook Central, we will turn on short term loans

  • We pay 15-20% for first two views, downloads...on third use, we would buy
  • We’d be spending more on purchased titles but on many titles that get low use we would save money
  • Karen is developing a way to track items removed from DDA

We are considering an EBA model for Taylor & Francis e-books

  • We would give them set dollar amount up front and they would open up 2018-2019 releases as ebooks
  • We'd need to include some selector feedback on title selection without making it cumbersome

HathiTrust updates

  • MOU - legal document that we will retain for 25 years
  • Up to five libraries will retain a title, hopefully not too many additional requests from libraries for new retention commitments
  • Brian reports that Holly is investigating adding MARC info for long-term retention titles
  • Slight concern that we may be asked to retain higher number than originally expected