CSST Meeting Notes 02-12-200

CSST Meeting Notes 02-12-200

CSST Meeting Notes
Present: Karen, Brian S., Justin, Brian B, Barbara (phone), Margery (recorder)
Absent: Justin, Olivia, Carly 
The meeting was devoted to updates.
Justin reported via email that Access Services has moved the first 1,000+ books designated as vital by Anne Harlow from the basement to the ASRS.  The rest of the items are also steadily being moved, and they think the May end date should hold if pace is kept.
Brian S. noted they were still working through getting Leisure cleaned up. Holly working on inventory (done in late October) but things have been turning up.  
John Rambo is making progress on work orders for damaged items and periodicals needing to be bound.
Harrisburg--not much of a response about their holdings, so Andrew may be going out there to scope things out.
Adam Matthew deal is going to happen, at a lower price, but still in progress.
Karen Kohn on LIsa Hinchcliffe open access/transformative agreements presentation in March:
Need someone to take notes on the post-talk, discussion period (maybe Carly?).  Brian S. could offer some stats on Temple authors and costs. Primary interest is still cost reduction.  Brian just off a NERL call--not clear that they will be able to do much with transformative agreements given diversity of membership.
Brian S.will share his statistical work on buying power of materials budget over last 10-12 years.  Slight increase at start, but then flat or declining, with exception of digital content fee addition. This is even using a conservative 3% inflation rate average.  And he also included 'highlights' of cuts--some of which were covered by operating budget slush. Includes HSL.
ELUNA accepted the proposal Holly, Chin, and Justin submitted about ASRS/Alma work.
HSL drug information content; used to receive in print; no only one user @ one account; and high cost per account.  Similarities to media.