Collections Strategy Steering Team

Collections Strategy Steering Team

The team

J. Brian Schoolar,  Team Lead

Brian Boling

Justin Hill

Noa Kaumeheiwa

Karen Kohn

Rick Lezenby

Jenny Pierce

Margery Sly

Sandi Thompson

Holly Tomren


The Collections Strategy Steering Team (CSST) is a cross-functional group guiding Temple University Libraries (TUL) in its mission as a research library to build and maintain “collections and resources that support study, instruction, inquiry, and scholarship.”[1]

CSST’s scope encompasses strategic guidance of collection building and stewardship activities, as well as relevant elements of discovery and access.

To ensure the Libraries adapt to changing global and local trends in collecting, CSST will use evidence-based methods to assess current needs, anticipate future conditions, identify goals and priorities, and develop appropriate policies.

CSST will solicit input from and facilitate conversations among stakeholders--promoting a deeper understanding of the collections context, and fostering informed, consistent decision-making by all involved.


[1] Strategic Guidance Principles, revised September 2017

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Open Access Discussion Series

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Collections Group

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FY21 Goals

In the face of a potential new pandemic-environment norm, take steps to find a new acquisitions balance between 1) tangible and online materials, and 2) course-adoption materials (i.e. textbooks) and traditional collection building.

Identify and implement collections practices that ensure we are proactively acquiring materials by and about under-represented groups and supporting the publication activities of these groups.

Continue working with the Scholarly Communication SST on evaluating and reporting on TULUP’s engagement with open access/open source.

Devise a new process for regularly withdrawing items no longer needed.

Join Eastern Academic Scholars' Trust (EAST) before the end of the fiscal year.

Expand marc-based purchase on demand program.

Evaluate the suitability of Read/Publish licensing arrangements for Temple.

Review item-level circulation policies with the goal of allowing more materials to circulate.

Consider ways of better communicating collections-related activities and take steps to implement.

Strengthen our mechanisms for reviewing the most appropriate source of cataloging data (Alma CKB, OCLC, vendor, etc.) for our various e-resource collections.