CSST Meeting Notes, 06/02/2021

CSST Meeting Notes, 06/02/2021

CSST Meeting Notes 06/02/2021

Notetaker: Margery

Attendees: Brian Boling, Noa Kaumeheiwa, Karen Kohn, Rick Lezenby, Jenny Pierce, Margery Sly, Holly Tomren


Main topic: review the Open Access doc that Karen and Schol Com have been working on 

The open access report

Wants the CSST to have reviewed this strategic document. Next step to share with Joe and with TULUP at large.

Most helpful for Brian S. ? Offers a variety of options that should be prioritized and tied to funding sources or all cost neutral--within each of these options. How should we choose? Did recommend doing some or all of them.

Any faculty input? Impact on researchers section--a variety of options depending on disciplines.

Believe we should do transformative agreement--the hows and the whats still TBD

Costs are sometimes offset by subscription costs….

Sources of funding--won’t cancel something else OA in order to fund a transformative agreement? **consider/discuss with Annie if this should be added to the report

Good report, a good educational tool if you want to learn about issues. Sections on unintended consequences useful.

How were peer institutions chosen? **Mention how you picked peers in report--

Neutral in its current form. **Present recommendations in summary form?

**Have a plan for periodic review and updating? --given how quickly things are changing

Wanting to make it the norm or just more common--working gradually toward making it the norm.


Other items? --no other updates