2018-11-06 Meeting notes

2018-11-06 Meeting notes


Nov 6, 2018


  • @Rachel Appel (Unlicensed)

  • @Gabe Galson

  • @Leanne Finnigan (Unlicensed)

  • @Matthew Ducmanas

  • @Stefanie Ramsay (Unlicensed)

  • @Matthew Ducmanas

  • @Holly Tomren


  • Description and Abstract

  • Type and Genre

  • Human readable vs. machine readable values, how do we avoid duplicate information?

  • In DSpace, there is file-level metadata (technical) that’s populated on ingest

  • Provenance shows technical metadata on ingest, can we pull this data out? One entry for file and one entry for the record

  • Author identifiers/control in DSpace https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC6x/Authority+Control+of+Metadata+Values

    • Can we use TU IDs automatically?

  • Provenance as a field, what do we want it to include?

Action items

@Gabe Galson will look at all of the possible crosswalks we need to review (Elements both ways, LibrarySearch via OAI, etc., ETD migration, ProQuest, Self-deposit/mediated)
The group will look at the guidelines holistically and @Rachel Appel (Unlicensed) will do some clean up
@Rachel Appel (Unlicensed) will ask @Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) about Department and DOIs