Website project update 1/18/2019

Website project update 1/18/2019


On January 10, 2019, Jackie Sipes, Rachel Cox and I led several content stakeholders through a workshop on best practices for writing for the web. This workshop also included some time to work on actual content for the website. While this workshop was a useful time for clarifying some aspects of the web content, it also brought to light some confusion over the process and individual responsibilities

As a result, a small Web Content Strategy group has formed to oversee the content writing process. This group will gather extant content from Drupal, LibGuides, and the Cumulative Services working document we've been using thus far. They will review, refine and revise this content adhering to the best practices discussed at the workshop last week. Then, the content will be shared with stakeholders to gather feedback and discuss further.

The group will work with an eye towards unifying the descriptions of services offered across the different libraries and locations whenever possible. This not only streamlines the information, but also creates a more unified end-user experience.

This new web content strategy group is made up of the following individuals: Jackie Sipes, Beckie Dashiell, Rachel Cox, Katie Westbrook and Cynthia Schwarz with David Lacy and Nancy Turner ex officio as links to the LLC. Our first meeting is this coming Monday and we will meet every Monday until the work is done.


A Core Design team also meets on a weekly basis to discuss question and items related to the website design. This team consists of Rachel Cox, Gabe Galson, Jennifer Anton, Chris Doyle, Jackie Sipes and Cynthia Schwarz. In the coming weeks, we will be discussing a “Contact us” page, and the primary navigation.


This week, we finish our first sprint of 2019 for the website. On Monday we will start a new sprint. Each sprint for the next few months will focus on a particular are of the website that needs to be completed. The sprints and their respective focus are listed below:

Entity Models Jan 21-Feb 1: this sprint will focus on finishing anything related to the entity models; i.e. resources, services, policies, collections, etc.

Mini Homepages Feb 4 - Feb 15: this sprint will focus on filling out the “mini homepages” for various entities within the library. The current list of mini homepages includes Ambler, HSL, Scholars' Studio (DSC), Blockson and SCRC

Other pages, part 1 Feb 18 - Mar 1: In this sprint and the next, we will focus on any pages that do not fit into the content entity model that we’ve been working on up until now. While we want to has as much content in the model structure, we do recognize that not everything will fit.

Other pages, part 2 Mar 4 - Mar 15: A continuation of the previous sprint.

Also, sometime around mid-February to the beginning of March, we hope to have the new website available at librarybeta.temple.edu so that staff can more easily review changes and provide feedback on the site.