Website update - 9/6/2018

Website update - 9/6/2018

Review of Services

The working document that lists services is available here. Please add comments in the Google Doc directly. The goal with this list is to get as many services as possible. However, I know that this list may not be exhaustive. We are also compiling a list of related spaces and groups that will be entered into the website.

Production website

Buildings have been entered in the new website. The screenshot below shows the back-end admin interface for managing buildings and their descriptions.

Spaces will be added next, followed by people and groups.

Design of the Library Website

The design core team has settled on a design that we think will work. A mock-up of the library homepage (what will become library.temple.edu) is below (click on the grey box to view).

The next step is to create a sitemap and wireframes so we have an idea of what other pages will be needed in the website. Both of these processes are underway. You can see the beginnings of the wire-framing here. The password is “Temple19”.

Project Timeline

As we have moved through this project, it has become clear that some modifications are needed to the project timeline. The original plan was to have a beta release in October and a full launch in January of 2019. The more realistic outlook is to now have a beta in January 2019 and go live with the full site in May of 2019.

Read past updates on the website project.