Website Update - 9/21/2018

Website Update - 9/21/2018

Review of content

This past week, I have assigned specific spaces at HSL and Ambler to be described by individuals most familiar with those spaces. These are almost ready to post to the new website QA site. In my last update, I mentioned that we decided to move the release of the new website back to Summer of 2019, to coincide with the opening of Charles Library. In light of that change, we will no longer work to describe spaces, or services directly associated with Paley Library and instead work on describing the spaces and services in Charles.

Website structure development

In the past two weeks, the dev team, primarily Chris, Chad and Steven, pushed out several new features. These include:

  • Display of library hours

  • Scrolling emergency notification bar

  • Ability to add a springshare “Request an appointment” button for the person entity

Website design

Now that we have the general design framework, we are now working on the microsite homepages and the entity display templates.

Microsite homepages - I have a wireframe for each of the microsites and have scheduled time with each branch director to discuss the wireframe before it goes to Rachel for design.

Entity display templates - Much of the website content and structure will depend on metadata entities; i.e. person, building (library), space, group. Each entity will use a similar template for the display. The core design team is working on templates for these entities. A mock-up of the building or library entity template is below.