2017-07-26 Meeting notes
Emily Toner
- Kristina De Voe
- Lauri Fennell
- Nancy Turner
- Rick Lezenby
- On-going work on standards document
- Revisit columns and tabs/pages standards
- Preliminary discuss of review process
- Review charge
- Nancy's draft (NT)
- Review outline of tasks and next steps
Revisit columns and tabs/pages standards
Based on suggestion from UCLA about the one column layout, we discussed whether a one column layout for all non-homepage pages might be better than a 2 column layout (the current standard requires a 1 or 2 column layout, and the template is set so that the 2 column layout is 50% 50% with the columns taking up equal space on the page). We talked about benefits of the the one column layout including how it helps to focus the users' attention on the most important content on the page. We also talked about the limitations of the one column layout including how a lot of content gets pushed below the fold. Emily suggested a compromise where we resize what is currently column 2 in the template to take up more space on the page and column 3 to be smaller, for more of a 75% 25%. The wider column would be the "main" column that contains what the guide author deems to be the most important content and the far right, 25% column, would contain any supplemental information that may not be as important.
Decisions that still need to be made regarding layout:
- What to call the tabs on the subject guide template as these will be standard across guides. There is question as to whether the current names offer enough flexibility for guide authors if they are then also limited to 7 or less tabs.
Review Process
Nancy started the review process document and we briefly discussed areas that will need more details. Once the review process is finalized we will investigate tools, such as the publication workflow tool in LibGuides, to support the review process.
Action Items
- Emily Toner (Unlicensed) add examples to writing for web standards
- Nancy Turner add details to Review process document
- Jackie Sipes reformat template so that the 2 column layout includes a wider first column and update standards to reflect changes
- Jackie Sipes Emily Toner (Unlicensed) Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed) Lauri Fennell (Unlicensed) read and add comments or suggestions to the review process document by next meeting