2017-08-24 Meeting notes

2017-08-24 Meeting notes




  • Standards update
  • Review & workflow document updates
    • Decision on amount of time review team has for initial review and amount of time guide author has to revise 
    • Number of reviewers 
    • Decision on what happens to guide if not revised in allotted time 
    • Related Google forms
  • Implementation process 
    • Revising existing guides and removing those beyond scope / time frame
      • Training for LibGuides authors?
    • Training of review team 
    • On-going maintenance of guides 
    • Extent of HSL and Law's involvement
  • Schedule for next meeting and Sept

Meeting Notes

Standards update
Jackie sent standards to Urooj Nizami and Sarah Jones for review along with instructions. They will complete review of the standards by Tues 

Review & workflow
We discussed whether more than one reviewer was needed. We agreed that it does provide more flexibility, but may not ultimately be necessary. The decision to have more than one reviewer for a guide will be at the discretion of the review team leader (question) There was some question as to the role the LibGuides Administrators Group plays in this process. It is unclear whether there remains a need for this group, but Jackie suggested that decision be made by Library Administration as it is beyond the purview of this working group. We also discussed that the initial review team should have the flexibility to amend the publication review process and workflow as needed. 

We discussed the details of the review workflow with focus on how the review team captures and communicates feedback to the guide author(s). Possible options include an email from the guide author to the review team when the guide is ready for review and and email from the review team with feedback or approval of publication. There was concern that emails from a guide author signaling a need for review could get lost, so it would be best for authors to submit via a google form. Nancy will update the existing google form with a publication checklist and field for additional comments. The submission of this form will notify the review team of the need for review. An additional field will be added to the spreadsheet that the form is linked to where the reviewer will add any feedback they are sending to the guide author(s). We agreed that there is value in capturing the feedback in the form for other review team members to view. The reviewer will send feedback or notification of approval via email. We will suggest a structure for the email that the reviewer can use to format their email to author.

We only had a few minutes to discuss implementation, but it was suggested that we hold "edit-a-thons" and coordinate the revision of existing guides with the rollout of Blacklight when guide authors will already be making updates.

Jackie will draft a summary of the different elements of the implementation process and share before our next meeting.

Action items