2019-01-16 Meeting notes
Jan 16, 2019
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed)
@Gabe Galson
@Fred Rowland (Unlicensed)
@Rachel Appel (Unlicensed)
@Gretchen Sneff (Unlicensed)
@Noa Kaumeheiwa
@Emily Toner (Unlicensed)
New meeting time! IR Services group will now meet every other Wednesday @ 9:00 am in 111b.
Reviewed major work that has been done on IR so far:
Gabe and Chin installed DSpace on development server, and successfully connected it to Elements and ProQuest.
Metadata subgroup is working on good draft of MAP, which has been reviewed and approved by IR Services group. RDS also met with subgroup and made some suggestions. They plan to finish MAP by end of the month so Gabe and Chin can implement. Metadata subgroup will then turn their attention to workflows.
Scholarly Communications Assistant job has been posted--person in this position will handle the day-to-day IR work, in coordination with MADS and other groups.
Reviewed work on IR Services team:
IR Services group has started drafting various policies for the IR. Will continue to do so.
Topics that still need to be discussed include accessibility (Gabe), preservation (Rachel), privacy (Emily), student works (Annie), and rights (Fred)
Goal is to have a complete draft of policies by March 2019.
Communities in DSpace:
Team agreed on the following communities (exact wording subject to change):
Theses and Dissertations
Research Data
Faculty/Researcher Works
Undergraduate Works
Produced at Temple
Example: Temple University Press
Example: Temple University Collaborative on Community and Inclusion
Example: Institute on Disabilities
Next meeting (1/30):
Gabe will demo DSpace and Elements connection
Emily will lead discussion on privacy
Fred will lead discussion on rights
Action items