2018-11-05 Meeting notes
Nov 5, 2018
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed)
@Rachel Appel (Unlicensed)
@Gabe Galson
@Gretchen Sneff (Unlicensed)
@Emily Toner (Unlicensed)
@Fred Rowland (Unlicensed)
@Noa Kaumeheiwa
1. Setting up a regular meeting time
Every other Monday @ 3:00 pm
2. Update from Rachel
Metadata subgroup is: Rachel, Jasmine, Matt, Leanne, Gabe, Stephanie, and Holly
December 2018: MAP draft created for review.
February 2019: Crosswalks from Elements, ProQuest, etc.
March/April 2019: Generate controlled vocabulary list to submit to NACO and/or create our own system.
June 2019: Develop metadata workflows based on policy decisions (i.e., self-deposit).
3. Update from Gabe
Working with metadata subgroup
Gabe can tell us: can the system actually do this?
Gabe got bulk load process to work in DSpace, is also working on the ProQuest to DSpace workflow
Gabe started a questions document for us to think about. Annie and Gabe will work together to prioritize the questions in the document.
4. Updates from Annie
Annie is working on getting a new staff position to manage the day-to-day IR work.
Annie is investigating memberships to CrossRef and DataCite.
5. Next steps re: IR Policies and procedures document
Group has divided up first part of document, each pair will do some research and make a proposal to the group about how to move forward.