2019-07-10 Meeting notes
Jul 10, 2019
@Gabe Galson
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed)
@Alicia Pucci
@Fred Rowland (Unlicensed)
@Gretchen Sneff (Unlicensed)
@Emily Toner (Unlicensed)
Update on vendor procurement process
We are still waiting for word from Temple on the status of this process and there is currently no definite timeline
We are looking at Atmire/ OpenRepository - (demo environment) - they meet the majority of our function requirements
Update on Policy sections under review by the University Counsel
The University Counsel confirmed our need for a FERPA release form for submitting undergraduate works
They requested more context on the IR before they make any final decisions on the policies, so we will follow up with them once the IR library website page and DSpace are complete and accessible
Update on IR Library website page
Content has been added to the IR service page, but it is still a WIP. Includes our Wordpress Quick Deposit Form
Alicia will follow up with Cynthia to see if we are able to keep this page in “draft mode” so that it’s public release coincides with the soft launch
Questions raised by Holly and Leanne on ‘Metadata Guidelines’ section in the Policies
Access field
@Gabe Galson will confirm whether DSpace has an internal function for tracking access and how the embargo periods work
Should this match the access standards of ProQuest and CONTENTdm?
Decision - this field will not be included in the guidelines, but we can return to it at a later date
Department field
Should we use a standardized list/ CV for programs that will be maintained by the IR administrator?
Decision - this will be a free text field on the deposit form for the soft launch, but we can return to it at a later date once more user data is collected
Future status of the group
For the remainder of the summer and until the soft launch in the Fall, we will reconvene the group on an as-needed basis
Next Steps
@Gretchen Sneff (Unlicensed) and @Fred Rowland (Unlicensed) will work with the Research Data Services group to determine the metadata fields needed for a dataset deposit form. They will send this information to Alicia by the end of July, so as to be processed into a Wordpress form
Alicia will follow up with Holly and Leanne on the group's decisions on the Metadata Guidelines. These changes will be reflected in the configuration of the DSpace submission form and the Wordpres Quick Deposit Form