2018-11-19 Meeting notes

2018-11-19 Meeting notes


Nov 19, 2018

1. General updates

  • Special collections + ETDs

Annie: Gabe, Annie, and Holly checked with Margary Sly about ETDs because they have traditionally been housed in special collections. Copyright issues involved in Proquest dissertations are not a problem as we move to the new process. Isilon is storage for ETDs but we cannot say it is “preservation”. Margary OK with procedure being planned to move from ContentDM to DSpace. Talked about timeline. Get ETDs three times a year. Careful about when to stop adding to ContentDM and start adding to DSpace. Working Proquest to DSpace migration. 3000 ETDs currently on ContentDM.

  • DOIs

Annie: DOIs - Annie chatted with DataCite and impressed with offerings. Info in folder. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1sj_8dSff5IyvTmjhf7t0zmiOcSqa6V6U?ogsrc=32 Annie wondering if PALCI might be interesting in a consortium license to DataCite. Joe Lucia will look into this. DataCite designed for libraries, CrossRef for publishers. But DataCite more expensive.

  • Metadata subgroup work

Rachel: Metadata Subgroup: first summary complete on this, in folder. Will send it to this group for review in next few days. Starting to work on crosswalks. Make sure things map back and forth. Then they will work on controlled vocabularies. Might submit all locally controlled vocabularies to LC. Will be in name authority control with LC. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16KFQ5q-U2ExsPwqh6awHbMHPgKGalrPx4D_NPlznBQs/edit#heading=h.jnu3jreaeoo4

2. Purpose (Annie and Emily)

Emily: Highlights “service” and “sharing, promoting, preserving”. Careful to create a statement that non-library, non-IR specialists will understand. “Wide range of scholarly works” emphasizing not just looking for journal articles. Trying to use plain talk. Some hedging to allow wiggle room at the start. The group liked this statement.

3. Intellectual content (Noa and Gabe)

Content types
Gabe: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G7TSIhUcKKs8imBUU_jGHE4p7480zdSJS6mJapCxZKc/edit
Discussed difference between storing and preserving, thinking maybe “archiving” better descriptor.
Suggesting file size limits, how big is the storage server going to be, what are the costs?
Thinking about TU Press, can we expand statement to include press works? Talked about how to define works, scholarly, scholarly or creative, scholarly, creative, policy works, ”complete works” is a phrase that might be confusing. Leaving it in for now. Also mentioned that the content of each section contingent on content of other sections. Go together and must be crafted together.

4. User communities (Fred and Gretchen)

Gretchen: got to user communities at end of meeting. Group liked the statement Gretchen crafted but needs a fuller discussion.


  • @Fred Rowland (Unlicensed)

  • @Gretchen Sneff (Unlicensed)

  • @Gabe Galson

  • @Annie Johnson (Unlicensed)

  • @Rachel Appel (Unlicensed)

  • @Emily Toner (Unlicensed)


Discussion items









Action items
