Discovery updates 3/27/2019

Discovery updates 3/27/2019

On March 7th, the Blacklight team released a set of updates for the Library Search. For complete details, see Blacklight release notes 3/7/2019. Included in this was the introduction of a “Digital Collections” resource type which links to results in CONTENTdm. We’re also anticipating another release before the end of the month, focused on minor bug fixes.

In collaboration with Acquisitions & Collection Development, the team also rolled out a new "Request Rapid Access" feature in the Library Search this month. This feature enables our users to request access to ebooks that the Libraries have not yet purchased. For more information about this new service, see Brian Schoolar’s LIB-STAFF email announcement on 3/19/2019.

In addition to these updates, the team has also been working on goals aimed at addressing anticipated changes in the Library Search related to the Charles move and the website redesign project. That includes:

  • Upgrading our core Blacklight application (see https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight)

  • Testing and updating availability displays for physical items and related request functionality

  • Integrating Databases A-Z and the new web content into the Library Search

  • Rebuilding our indexing processes from data sources such as Alma

Note that this list is not comprehensive. We are also regularly responding to other issues reported by library staff and patrons. Library staff may continue to provide input about the Library Search via tul-web-support@temple.edu.