Discovery updates 7/26/2019

Discovery updates 7/26/2019

As we approach the launch of the new website and the opening of the Charles Library, the Blacklight project team has been focusing on integrations and functionality in the Library Search related to these upcoming milestones. Currently, we are in active development for the following:

  • Integrating new web content into the Library Search results and incorporating styling from new website design (headers, footers, general look and feel, etc.)

  • Finalizing the new request workflows in the Library Search for BookBot retrievals (see below for screenshot of new BookBot request form)

  • Adding a basic call number browse listing, adapted from Stanford University Libraries' browse feature

The updates related to web content will be released alongside the launch of the new website in August (see Cynthia’s blog post for more details). The changes to the request functionality will be added once Charles Library is open and the BookBot is in use. Based on rollout of those features, the call number browse will be released early in the semester (exact timing to be determined).