Discovery updates 08/16/2018

Discovery updates 08/16/2018


On August 13 2018, Temple University Libraries launched Blacklight as the enhanced version of the Library Search. On the library website (including all search bars), we have officially transitioned from Primo to the new search interface.

In addition to a general announcement, which has been posted on the TUL News blog, here are some resources about the Library Search for both library staff and patrons:

If library patrons ask about the reasons for this change, you can highlight some of the following points:

  • Based on feedback received from the university community in 2017-2018, we made changes to the Library Search and redesigned the system so that we could customize the search more for our patrons going forward.  

  • The enhanced Library Search will streamline the discovery of library resources, including a new design approach to our main search and how users access our collections.

  • Beyond the August release, the Libraries will continue to make improvements based on your input (see our feedback form).


Please note that Primo (i.e. the former Library Search) will continue to be available through the fall semester, though we strongly recommend that you use Blacklight in instruction and reference consultations going forward.


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