Discovery updates 12/19/2018

Discovery updates 12/19/2018

This week, the core Blacklight team will finalize a new release, which will be rolled out in production at the beginning of January. We originally planned to roll this out in December, but made the decision to postpone this until after the break. This update will include the following major updates:

  • Navigation updates to user interface: see Discovery updates 11/30/2018 for full details

  • New request option for direct integration with E-ZBorrow

  • Fixes related to display of physical items and electronic resources, including suppressed holdings, the addition of the summary holdings field (MARC 866), and the addition of electronic service/collection notes

  • Updates to Alma-Blacklight metadata mappings and ongoing improvements to search relevancy

Note that this list is not comprehensive. We are also regularly responding to other issues reported by library staff and patrons. Library staff may continue to provide input about the Library Search via tul-web-support@temple.edu and/or our public feedback form.