Blog Inventory
Blog Inventory
Title | Link | Owner/Author | Content | Active Time | No. of Posts |
Academic Assembly of Librarians | https://sites.temple.edu/academicassembly/ | AAL |
| 1998 - Present | 104 |
Arttickle | https://sites.temple.edu/arttickle/ | Jill Luedke |
| 2010 - 2013 | 15 |
Assessment | https://sites.temple.edu/assessment/ | Nancy Turner |
| 2014 - Present | 57 |
Code Rascals | https://sites.temple.edu/coderascals/ | Code Rascals Group (Jackie Sipes, Brian Boling, Jenifer Baldwin) |
| 2014 - 2016 | 15 |
E-Resource News | https://sites.temple.edu/eresourcenews/ | Erin Finnerty and Brian Schoolar |
| Primarily 2005 - 2009 | 407 |
Film and Media Arts | https://sites.temple.edu/filmandmediaarts/ | Jenifer Baldwin |
| 2007 - 2015 | 124 |
History News | https://sites.temple.edu/historynews/ | Margery Sly |
| 2005 - Present | 132 |
HSL | https://sites.temple.edu/hslblog | Lauri Fennell |
| 2011 - 2015 | 61 |
Human Sciences | https://sites.temple.edu/humansciences/ | Fred Rowland |
| 2005 - Present | 205 |
Kommunikatio | https://sites.temple.edu/kommunikatio/ | Kristina Devoe |
| 2006 - 2012 | 363 |
Library Experience | https://sites.temple.edu/libraryexperience/ | Steven Bell |
| 2011 - 2017 | 19 |
Library News | https://sites.temple.edu/librarynews/ | Communication Team |
| 2005 - Present | 830 |
Library Programs | https://sites.temple.edu/libraryprograms/ | Communication Team |
| 2007 - 2017 | 232 |
Residents Corner | https://sites.temple.edu/libraryresidentscorner/ | Library Residents |
| 2016 | 10 |
Library Suggestions | https://sites.temple.edu/librarysuggestions/ | Steven Bell |
| 2009 - Present | 70 |
Media Services | https://sites.temple.edu/mediaservices/ | Brian Boling |
| 2009 - 2015 | 13 |
Performing Arts News | https://sites.temple.edu/performingartsnews/ | Anne Harlow |
| 2006 - Present | 84 |
Podiatric Videos | https://sites.temple.edu/podiatricvideos/ | Podiatry Library |
| 2015 | 39 |
Scholarly Communication | https://sites.temple.edu/scholarlycommunication/ | ScholComm Team |
| 2016 - Present | 30 |
SEL Research | https://sites.temple.edu/selresearch/ | Gretchen Sneff |
| 2009 - 2016 | 43 |
Digital Scholarship Center | https://sites.temple.edu/tudsc/ | DSC |
| 2015 - Present | 100 |
, multiple selections available,