Metadata Profile Creation

Metadata Profile Creation

What: Once the list of entities has been determined, or concurrently to this work, individual metadata profiles will need to be developed that can be applied to each of the entities. For this specific task, work will focus on Metadata Profile for things other than physical and electronic holdings, which have metadata applied in a different manner through Alma or PCI.

Where: The work right will also happen in a Google Doc that can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HqQLLdHZrAItu5Q7hrlND3wikGvPBYAh-YFWeuEBoI8/edit?usp=sharing

Who: The work of developing Metadata Profiles will be overseen by Cynthia Schwarz (Unlicensed)David Lacy and Holly Tomren

When: Work on the Metadata Profiles will begin at the All-Staff Activity planned for  and continue until completion, ideally sometime before the end of February. 

Deliverable: The final will be a Metadata Profile for each Services, Building, Space, Person, Group.

Services Description - Google Doc

Draft Profile: Building - Google Doc

Draft Profile: Space - Google Doc

Draft Profile: Person - Google Doc

Draft Profile: Group - Google Doc