DSpace Updates- 7/27/2018

DSpace Updates- 7/27/2018


The technical preparations that will allow the DSpace and Elements systems to communicate and pass objects & metadata back and forth are nearly complete, as far as the DSpace technical team can see.   @Chin U. Kim did some configuration work on the DSpace server, allowing us to upload full objects to the system for testing. He remains in communication with Temple ITS as they continue with their security audit of the DSpace software, an ongoing process that we hope will soon be complete. @Gabe Galson uploaded test objects of various sorts to DSpace and began customizing test versions of the XML crosswalk files that define the DSpace->Elements and Elements->DSpace field mappings.  Once this fairly involved task is complete the connection will be turned on and tested. At that point the correct mappings will be determined in consultation with @Holly Tomren, and production versions of the XML crosswalk files will be produced.

Stay tuned for more updates in the upcoming weeks!  

Read past updates on the Dspace project.