DSpace updates- 2/1/19

DSpace updates- 2/1/19

Here are the latest DSpace updates:

The Metadata group has finished defining its crosswalks. These determine how external systems (including Symplectic Elements, ProQuest ETD Administrator, and ContentDM) will deposit item metadata into DSpace. The completion of this work will allow Gabe to create the actual crosswalks, which must be coded in XML. A direct submission form is also being defined and implemented. This will allow researchers to deposit directly into the repository.

The technical team continues to investigate and implement enhancements requested by the Services and Metadata groups.

The Services group continues to guide the IR’s configuration, while group members continue drafting policy. So far the group has produced and reviewed policy statements covering the following areas: the IR’s purpose and mission, the scope of its intellectual content, the user communities allowed to contribute, privacy concerns, and copyright considerations. That’s a lot of conversation, and a lot of writing! All of this will soon have to be standardized, collated, and presented to the public through some sort of user interface. The good news is we have only a few areas left to tackle, including ADA & accessibility concerns, metadata policies, and a digital preservation strategy.