Metadata Entity: Space

Metadata Entity: Space


RequiredDescriptionRepeatableSchema.org mappingControlled Vocabular/Syntax
nohttp://schema.org/namenatural language text
descriptionyesincludes physical location and any access rules/requirementsnohttp://schema.org/descriptionnatural language text
internal_building_mapnoinclude if there is an internal layout showing the spaceno
file/image upload
hoursnocan be linked to library hours module or be manually enterednohttp://schema.org/openingHoursnatural language text or link
nohttp://schema.org/imagefile upload
Related EntityRequiredRelationship Description
related_buildingyesone space belongs to one building
related_groupnoone space can have many groups
related_personnoone space can have many persons
related_servicenoone space can have many services
related_collectionnoone space will have one collection
related_policynoone space can have many policies