2017-10-04 Alma Analytics Working Group - Meeting notes
2017-10-04 Alma Analytics Working Group - Meeting notes
Agenda and Notes
1) Is the process of report request/writing working? Does there need to be more a formal communication about this process?
Karen says we need to share naming conventions, placing shared reports in folder (file structure), Nancy Turner will send out communication to staff related to report creation on behalf; Nancy verify with Matt that it is okay (cataloging, internal issues). Karen and Brian are
2) Making requests more systematic (is there a form that we might use that insures requester includes information about report frequency, filters, etc.
No need for a Google form, too much variety in what they need.
3) Are there outstanding requests that need to be delegated?
We are up to date.
4) Karen posted on our Alma Analytics Slack channel a question related to Loan total. Let's talk about how to resolve this, or if it was resolved, how.
Brian B. had the answer. Is there a way of storing little tidbits - Physical Item Details is where that data point is located - Karen will create a page in Confluence for this
5) Plans for tutorial on Alma Reporting for subject specialists (Brian, Karen, Nancy)
Topics: Creating Widgets - (Prospective Authors to contact :
6) How to handle Primo Analytics (Cynthia Schwarz (Unlicensed) will check with Emily on the granularity of permissions for that) What can we learn from this data? May have implications for web design, for cataloging?
Action items
, multiple selections available,