Blocks and Overrides
Blocks and Overrides
Blocks - no overrides available
- Item cannot be loaned to patron because of insufficient due date
- Item can only be loaned from reading room desk
- Item does not belong to this institution
- Item cannot be loaned due to booking request
- Item has not been received by Acquisitions Department
- Item is requested by another patron
- Item is on hold shelf for another patron
- Not Renewable - Item has Request(s)
- A resource Sharing Request must be renewed by the resource sharing library
- Item has not be received by resource sharing operator
- User does not have a patron role or the role has expired
Handle Automatically - no override required
- The renew date conflicts with booking request - due date is automatically shortened to account for booking request start date.
- Item is on hold shelf for this patron - request is deleted and item is loaned
- Item cannot be loaned from this circulation desk - item is loaned anyway
Override required by Manager
- Patron cash limits exceeded (determined by settings in Patron Limits table)
- Patron's card/account has expired
- Patron is not active
- Patron loan limit exceeded (as defined in Loan Limits table)
- Patron overdue recall limit exceeded (as defined in Loan Limits table)
Override required by Operator
- Item is not loanable (as defined in the terms of use policy)
- Item is not renewable (as defined in the terms of use policy)
- Item renew period exceeded (as defined in the terms of use policy)
- Item cannot be returned at this circulation desk (as defined in the circulation desk circulate for/reshelve for policy)
- The loan cannot be renewed due to the loan status
- Patron overdue limits has exceeded (as defined in Loan Limits table)
- Item is currently on loan to another patron
Override required by Operator-Limited
- The loan regular due date conflicts with booking request
, multiple selections available,