New UI: Fulfillment Advanced Tasks - Digitization Request

New UI: Fulfillment Advanced Tasks - Digitization Request

A requested item first goes to the Other Requests - Pickup from shelf task list. In this example, a patron has requested digitization of an item from the repository. With "Remote Storage" as my "Currently at" location, navigate to your task list. Select Other RequestsPickup from shelf.

Print the call slip either by checking the box next to the item and clicking Print Slip or by navigating to the three dot menu and selecting Print Slip from the drop-down.

Print the slip. Resource Request slip looks like this.

Once the item has been pulled, open Alma and navigate to the star icon at the top of the page FulfillmentScan in Items. Enter the barcode and then click OK.

***************Pick up from here with the new UI documentation.

It scanned in after pulled from shelf. Set with a destination of "Digitization Department for Institution".

Now item appears in Items - Digitization task list.

Click Actions → Next Step

Status changes to "Document Delivery". Go to Actions → Attach Documents.

Upload the PDF and click Add Attachment.

Once all of the items have been attached, click Done.

Patron gets an email with the attachment.

The item is no longer on the list for In Process Items. Click Scan in Items in the bottom right to continue.

Scan in the item. The destination is now "Reshelve..."