a How to for the Requestor

a How to for the Requestor

To initiate an Alma Role Access Request, login to https://TUPortal.temple.edu

Select the Staff Tools tab

Scroll down to the bottom, you will find the ‘University Forms’ channel; in it you will see ‘Library Integrated Systems Access’ Applications.

Select ‘Library Integrated Systems Access’

You can select ‘Create New’ to initiate a role for yourself

OR You can select ‘Run for another user’

To initiate a role for someone else.

You will be prompted to choose from a pre-selected group of roles in ‘Profile Templates’ or you can choose individual roles in ‘Roles’

Expand the section and make your selection.

Once your selections are made select ‘Submit’

The approver will be sent an email from the system to review the request.

The system updates about 4 times a day, so the reviewer might not see that there is a request until a day later. You could inform them manually if you prefer.

Once the form is approved, the role will be implemented in Alma.

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