How-To: Scan to Adobe Document Cloud

How-To: Scan to Adobe Document Cloud

Step 1: Configure your Adobe Creative Cloud access

Information about your Adobe Creative Cloud access through Temple University are available on the ITS website: https://its.temple.edu/adobe-creative-cloud

Step 2: On your mobile device, download and install the Adobe Scan app from the Google Play store or Apple App Store.

Step 3: Log into your Adobe Scan App with your Temple account. Under Already have an Adobe ID?, select Sign in or sign up.

Step 4: Enter your Accessnet username email address. Select Continue.

Step 5: Enter your Accessnet username and password. Select Login.

Step 6: If you plan to read the scanned documents on your mobile device, now is a good time to also download the Adobe Reader App. If you don’t plan to use your device for reading, skip to Step 7.


Step 7: Open your Adobe Scan app and scan the first page of your document. The App will automatically detect the outline of the document and take a picture of the document. Click Continue to scan the next page.

Step 8: Once you have scanned all of the pages in your document, select the image and arrow that bottom corner of the screen to save your scan.

Step 9: Update the title of your scanned document. Then select Save PDF.

Step 10: From here, you can use the Share link to send a link to the document to email or other platforms or you can open the document directly using the Acrobat link.

Step 11: To access your document from a computer, open a web browser and point to https://documentcloud.adobe.com. Enter your accessnet email address to login. The most recently scanned document should be at the top of your document list.

Step 12: Highlight the document and see a list of actions that you can take with that document appear on the right side of your screen. If you would like to print the document, select the Download option and then print the downloaded document like you would any other document.