Technology and Knowledge Management Department Planning
Technology and Knowledge Management Department Planning
Discussion Points
Going forward, the library is going to be moving towards a system where a departmental hierarchy exists, but staff will be working on projects in cross functional groups. This is already being done in TKM, but the question remains about how to document what we are doing. This matrixed environment will allow for the library to react to change without needing to create new departments.
Confluence and JIRA
A big part of this change is going to be centralizing project management on a shared platform - JIRA for project work and Confluence for documentation.
Some points of possibe problem raised were:
- How to deal with existing external collaborations and projects including
- Projects / Cross functional teams involving other library departments who are not yet migrating to JIRA/Confluence, such as Digitization Practices, that already have established project management procedures.
- Projects involving Temple community members who are outside the Library, like faculty, staff, and students. DSC runs many projects like this. Will they all need JIRA/Confluence accounts?
- Projects where contributors are outside of Temple altogether and another project management system already exists. Do all of these external people need accounts?
- How to manage the structure of the JIRA / Confluence as the number of projects / spaces grow. Will this be someone's job to manage the content to maintain usability?
- Will this replace Remedy? How to interact with Central Helpdesk on issues reported there.
- Can JIRA / Confluence support SSO?
- How will training be rolled out for JIRA / Confluence?
Prioritization in Matrixed Environment
- How to balance TKM departmental prioritization with prioritization happening in other cross functional groups or other external groups
- What happens to reporting lines in terms of prioritization when staff are working on teams that have priorities that differ from their supervisors?
Action items
- Chad Nelson (Unlicensed) to write up notes
- David Lacy to organize time for ongoing monthly meetings
, multiple selections available,
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