2021-01-07 Meeting notes

2021-01-07 Meeting notes


Jan 7, 2021


  • @Annie Johnson (Unlicensed)

  • @Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed)

  • @Natalie Tagge (Unlicensed)

  • @Erin Finnerty

  • @Rebecca Lloyd

  • @Lauri Fennell (Unlicensed)

Meeting notes

  1. Spring staff workshop on authors rights

    1. Topic: preprints/postprints, authors rights, TUScholarShare

    2. Make sure to set expectations ahead of time that group work will take place

    3. When should this workshop take place?

      1. April

    4. How should we make this more interactive?

      1. Scenarios that you work through in small groups

        1. Maybe 3 scenarios and have groups work through each one

        2. Use a shared Google doc that people can refer to later

    5. Any other ideas?

      1. Address role of preprints during pandemic

        1. Lack of peer review/retractions

      2. Publishing during a pandemic, has it slowed things down for the humanities?

      3. Shifting research towards COVID, towards systematic reviews (because you can’t do other research)

      4. Will things change between now and April? Need to make sure workshop is timely

      5. Stopping the tenure clock for 1 year for faculty and librarians

  2. Advancing Transition to OA project check in

    1. Outline

    2. Meet with your group in the next two weeks or so and then start drafting your section

    3. Need to decide which peer institutions we should use in the report