User Stories

User Stories

User Story #1

ScenarioThe building address for the Japan Campus Library has changed because they moved to a new campus/building. 
EntityJapan Campus Library System

Navigation to task

Step 1: Select Building on the left menu

Step 2: Locate Japan Campus Library System from the list of buildings

Step 3: Select Edit next to Japan Campus Library System

Task 1Update fields: Street Address, City, State Zip
UserMarianne Moll
GroupLibrary Administration Editorial Group
Access within Building model

Edit the following fields:


Image upload


External link (select from list)


City, State Zip

Phone Number

Building Code


Task 2Update fields: Coordinates, Google
UserChris Doyle
GroupWebsite Admin Group
Access within Building modelEdit all fields

User Story #2

ScenarioThe University is closing early because of an impending snow storm and the scrolling bar must be placed on the website to alert patrons of altered hours.

Navigation to task

Step 1: Select Alerts on the left hand menu

Step 2: Select New Alert

Task 1Create new alert
UserCynthia Schwarz
GroupWebsite Admin Group
Access within Alerts modelEdit all fields
Fields required for new alert

Scroll text




User Story #3

ScenarioA staff member creates a new blog and wants it to be listed on the list of blogs.

Navigation to task

Step 1: Select Blogs on the left hand menu

Step 2: Select New blog

Task 1Create new blog
UserCynthia Schwarz
GroupWebsite Admin Group
Access within Blogs modelEdit all fields
Fields required for new blog


Base URL

Feed path

Public status

User Story #4

ScenarioAnnie submits a request to reorder the entities that display within the Publishing Services category and indicate the entity that displays when someone navigates to Research Services → Publishing Services
EntityPublishing Services

Navigations to task

Step 1: Select Categories from the left hand menu

Step 2: Locate Publishing Services from the list of categories

Step 3: Select Publishing Services

Task 1Indicate entity that appears when patron navigates Research Services → Publishing Services
UserCynthia Schwarz
GroupWebsite Admin Group
Access within Categories modelEdit all fields
Required additional functionality

Add the ability to add weight to each entity within the category with the highest or lowest weight being given to the entity that will appear as the "landing page" for the category.

Task 2Designate order of the entities that appear on the left hand category menu
UserCynthia Schwarz
GroupWebsite Admin Group
Access within Categories modelEdit all fields
Required additional functionalityThe ability to add weights to entities as described in Task 1 would also allow for the ordering of entities.