Review meeting schedule, time commitment and ways to engage online without meeting
Update on status of Blacklight development process, including a look at our current prototype and discussion, if time permits
Prior to the meeting, take a look at the site: (must be connected via ethernet to Temple network to access). Note: This is a work in progress, so not all functionality has been built yet.
Review suggested dates for staff open forums
Discussion items
User Testing - Questions
Cynthia et al
Support broader concepts/functionality to rank as people have trouble coming up with answers to open ended questions
Research Question: What are the top areas of the website that users use or need?
We could use this information specifically for what we include on the homepage.
Question: "Please rank five services that are important to you in the library website..." - see comment on User Testing
What are those five things that we are going to
Homework assignment: Each person come up with 10 things and send to Cynthia by Monday at 10:00AM in an email to Cynthia
Question: Self-identify user group (Faculty, library staff, university staff, student, community, non-temple academic researcher)
Question: If the library website could focus on one goal or task, what would you want it to be?
Question: Any other thoughts or feedback about the library website?
User Testing - Distribution Points
Pilot with library student workers
Google Form - distribute library staff
Google Form - create a pop-up on the computers when patrons login - Talk to Jim - can collect IP address
Google/Drupal Form - something on the website - add a tab somewhere on the form - Talk to Chris
Meeting schedule, time commitment
Add deadlines for online collaboration
Move meeting to a monthly meeting
Link to Google Doc for the working group
Keep the meeting bi-weekly and send out a detailed agenda and group members can decide whether or not they need to attend
Blacklight Update
Emily et al
Two week sprints for development
We've gone through three sprint cycles and this week started the fourth
Focused on basic foundational pieces for record displays and search (basic and advanced)
Exporting records from Alma and publishing in BL - new routines, etc.
Link to current prototype -
Connect via ethernet on campus or VPN
*Site will be slow because of development environment
Availability components - creating a proof of concept - most replicates what we've set up in Primo
All of the configuration that we've done in Alma will continue to be available in BL - i.e. requesting and availability
Setting up basic integrations between Blacklight and Alma for publishing
Any initial impressions or feedback with what is available now
Feedback from RIS librarians - distinction between resource types (i.e. physical vs. electronic, ebooks, vs. book reviews, etc)
Therefore we should be careful with the wording
**could be a good quesiton for users: terminology in facets and search results**
We could also take subject areas and create facets based on those
Provide feedback to Emily
We will eventually pull individual people into the sprint cycles for upcoming sprints
Have we abandoned the bento box?? No! - the current sprint is the bento box. Right now we've only bee thinking about the catalog, but we will be bringing in the other resources shortly.
Open Forums Scheduling
Emily and Jackie
Emily will chat with Jackie to figure out some general availability
Action items
Everyone will provide list of 10 "things" that we want to include in the question about ranking top services/features that patrons use on the website