System Acceptance Test and System Acceptance Test Plan
OpNet laptop
Results of end-to-end simulation testing
Timeline Review
Discussion topics
EMS - Alma Connection
This is resolved.
Users Accounts
They’re all done.
Chose not to load onto server because not sure if he’ll have to delete the database and rebuild
Need to have a quick meeting next week - the fact that students may be working on their own changes some of the security - allow them to view screens - Schedule for the week of the 18th: Wednesday-Friday
Workstation Setup
Two are done and rest should be done by the 15th
Cables have been received
Gautam sent out the printers
Monday 3/18 at 2:30 - Deliver - use recycling bin
List of items to deliver:
Computer CPU (6)
Monitors (6)
Barcode scanners (6)
Receipt printers (6)
cables; display port and monitor power (5)
temporary tables (2); one for ASRS chamber for Gautam to use during visit, one for Unit Load workstation
Tuesday 3/19 at 2:30 - workstation installations
Equipment for installation:
Step ladder
Screw driver
System Acceptance Test/Plan
End of installation
Dematic will run a test. Temple will witness the test.
Take the Functional Acceptance Test and add any other scenarios that we want
Starts a 60 day window before acceptance is complete
Temple will discuss timeline offline and report back
OpNet Laptop
No restrictions for installing
no updates
no major issues with Alma/EMS
we did identify some UX/UI changes needed for Blacklight. I will meet with dev team offline to discuss further.
Timeline Review
3/12: End-to-end testing simulation for Unit Loads and review of record display for unit load items
Deadline for having the ASRS mezzanine painted and floors sealed and space locked
will need a table/desk set up in the UL loading area
locate a small folding table that we can bring over until permanent furniture arrives
take a second table over for Gautam to work at while he is there
Larry will arrange for a temporary AP for the ASRS area during Gautam’s visit
Deadline for having workstations configured
3/18 @ 2:30pm: Deliver workstations to Charles
List of items to deliver:
Computer CPU (6)
Monitors (6)
Barcode scanners (6)
Receipt printers (6)
cables; display port and monitor power (5)
temporary tables (2); one for ASRS chamber for Gautam to use during visit, one for Unit Load workstation
Who will deliver:
John Pyle will assist us with the tables for Special Collections and Gautam
How will they be delivered
The best way may be the large green recycling bins - the ones with the large wheels
3/19 @ 2:30pm : Install workstations in Charles - both unit load and mini loads
installation equipment
Step ladder
philips head screw driver
Gautam can test the connections between the pick stations and the servers
move test load materials to Charles
Gautam on site
Verify workstation setup and do any connection testing
Initial 1000 record move from Alma to EMS
Monitor Alma system performance
3/26 - 3/29: Test load of physical materials both into ML and UL
Gautam leaving Friday afternoon at 3:30 - so no work on Friday afternoon
Gautam on site
catch up on any miscellaneous items from previous week
4/2: Operational training - mini loads
4/3: operational training - unit loads
4/4: End-to-end testing of the ML
4/5: End-to-end testing of the UL
4/9 - 4/11: Maintenance training on the Mini Load aisles
4/12: Make up maintenance training on Unit Load
5/9: Begin Alma record load to EMS
5/13??: Start loading ASRS
Action items
Cynthia will schedule a meeting with Gautam to discuss user roles/permissions 3/20-22
Cynthia will follow up with Curtis to get a bin or hand truck with appropriate wheels for moving equipment across the street