If you are saving a report in a shared space, you may want to set the permissions so that others can run the report but not make changes.
To do this, first make note of your own user ID, so you can give yourself permissions. Find a report that you created and look for the string next to the word "Owner." It is not your TUID. You can only set permissions on a report if you are the owner!
Click the arrow next to "More," then select "Permissions."
This brings you to a list of users and their permissions.
Click the pencil next to user 01TULI_INST-ALMA_ANALYTICS_DESIGN to modify the permissions for this user group. This sets permissions for all Temple users who can access Design Analytics. Uncheck "Write" and "Delete" and click OK.
The user 01TULI_INST_ALMA_ANALYTICS_VIEW will default to not allowing write permissions. This user group can only view reports, not create them.
The changes you've just made restrict your own permissions as a member of the ANALYTICS_DESIGN user group. To make sure you can still edit the report, click the plus sign.
On the next screen, change the dropdown menu option to "Users." In the search box, type the ID that you copied down at the beginning. Click Search.
Highlight your ID in the results list and use the arrow to move yourself to the Selected Members list on the right. In the dropdown menu in the bottom right corner, labeled "Set Permission to," select either "Modify" or "Full Control." Click ok. When the window closes, click ok on the next window. You are now back to the Reports Catalog.
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