Director of Administration notifies ADC, AAL, and Staff Council that a representative needs to be chosen for SRAC.
Previous committee chair turns over files to new committee chair
SRAC Chair selects Member at Large
Director of Administration reviews and revises forms and internet information
Committee meets and reviews forms, guidelines and charge
SRAC Chair sends announcements to libstaff listserv and attaches nomination form to message
Announcements should include the following information: deadline date, names of committee members, need for supporting documentation
SRAC Chair sends follow-up messages via libstaff listserv reminding staff of deadline date, include committee member names
May 29, 2020
Nominations closed
Committee meets to review and discuss nominations, and select awardee(s)
Chair/designee writes recommendation(s) and shares report(s) with all committee members for review
Chair/designee makes final revisions to recommendation(s), and sends report(s) to the Director of Administration
Awardee's Department Head(s) are notified of recommendation
Award certificate(s) are ordered by Administrative Services
Last Updated: 4/30/2020