Strategic Directions FY 18-19
Assess the effectiveness of strategic steering team model and use results to increase team cross-functional, team based innovation work at libraries.
Establish structure for Data Task Force and develop scope/groups.
Develop plan for assessment of space use in Charles Library, making sure that data gathering systems are in place to demonstrate use and value of new types of spaces.
Work with team leads/department heads to attach assessment plan to goals for FY18-19.
Embed user experience research methods into development of services at libraries, to include web site, discovery systems and physical spaces.
Success Measure for Goal and Associated Assessment Plan
Work with team leads/department heads to attach assessment plan to goals for FY18-19.
Each department head and team lead will have an assessment approach to at least one of their goals in year FY 18-19. As goals are being established, we are better able to describe what success looks like, how that will be determined, and how that assessment related to the Library/Institutional priorities.
Develop plan for assessment of space use in Charles Library, making sure that data gathering systems are in place to demonstrate use and value of new types of spaces
Departments have reporting procedures in place to begin tracking on use of spaces, resources and services in Charles Library in order to demonstrate how space is being utilized by patrons across campus and community.