EMS - Alma ConnectionUsers AccountsThey’re all done. Chose not to load onto server because not sure if he’ll have to delete the database and rebuild Need to have a quick meeting next week - the fact that students may be working on their own changes some of the security - allow them to view screens - Schedule for the week of the 18th: Wednesday-Friday
Workstation SetupTwo are done and rest should be done by the 15th Cables have been received Gautam sent out the printers Monday 3/18 at 2:30 - Deliver - use recycling bin List of items to deliver: Computer CPU (6) Monitors (6) Barcode scanners (6) Receipt printers (6) cables; display port and monitor power (5) temporary tables (2); one for ASRS chamber for Gautam to use during visit, one for Unit Load workstation
Tuesday 3/19 at 2:30 - workstation installations Equipment for installation:
System Acceptance Test/PlanEnd of installation Dematic will run a test. Temple will witness the test. Take the Functional Acceptance Test and add any other scenarios that we want Starts a 60 day window before acceptance is complete Temple will discuss timeline offline and report back
OpNet LaptopEnd-to-end Timeline Review3/12: End-to-end testing simulation for Unit Loads and review of record display for unit load items 3/15 Deadline for having the ASRS mezzanine painted and floors sealed and space locked will need a table/desk set up in the UL loading area Larry will arrange for a temporary AP for the ASRS area during Gautam’s visit Deadline for having workstations configured
3/18 @ 2:30pm: Deliver workstations to Charles 3/19 @ 2:30pm : Install workstations in Charles - both unit load and mini loads 3/20-22 3/25 3/26 - 3/29: Test load of physical materials both into ML and UL 4/1 4/2: Operational training - mini loads 4/3: operational training - unit loads 4/4: End-to-end testing of the ML 4/5: End-to-end testing of the UL 4/9 - 4/11: Maintenance training on the Mini Load aisles 4/12: Make up maintenance training on Unit Load 5/9: Begin Alma record load to EMS 5/13??: Start loading ASRS |