Blog from February, 2019

In January 2019, the Blacklight team released a series of updates for the Library Search. This introduced new features, including significant navigation updates to the user interface, and addressed some of the bugs/issues reported by library staff and patrons over the past several months. For complete details, see the following release notes:

Moving forward into the spring semester, the team will be focusing on features/issues that will be impacted by the move into the Charles Library and/or the launch of the library website redesign later in 2019, such as:

  • Updating the availability displays for physical items and related request functionality, including potential enhancements

  • Integrating Blacklight with the new library website, which will require both technical upgrades and design changes

  • Building an infrastructure to index Library of Congress authority file data and investigating new options for the exploration of our records and collections

Note that this list is not comprehensive. We are also regularly responding to other issues reported by library staff and patrons. Library staff may continue to provide input about the Library Search via

  • Added citation information to notes field for the processing of digitization requests

  • Updated default status display for reserve items to “Library Use Only”

  • Updated availability display for mobile view

  • Fixed bug related to navigation between basic and advanced searches

  • Fixed bug related to capitalization in title searches

  • Fixed styling for online buttons in the Articles search results

  • Added logs of failed API requests

  • Added MARCXML views for Books and Journals