Sending files
- In Alma, go to Admin > Manage Sets
- Find WorldCat has catdate AND has inventory AND unsuppressed (All)
- Filter using WorldCat batch processing filter (TEU no WCAT) and name the resulting set so that it can be easily identified
- Go to Admin > Run a Job > Export Bibliographic Records
- Find the resulting, filtered file and export it
- Physical format: Binary; all other settings remain at default
- Download and open in MarcEdit. Be sure UTF8 is selected under Default Character Encoding when using MarcBreaker.
- Remove records likely in the revision queue.
- File>>Select records for edit
- 997$a>>Import file
- Use regex + YYYYMMD[D-1].|YYYYMMDD.
- Invert selections
- Export selected
- Remove records with existing 079s. These should be processed separately.
- File>>Select records for edit
- 079>>Import file
- Search for: Display records not found
- Export selected
- Remove duplicate records
LF: not sure why there are duplicates
- Tools > Record deduplication
- Control field: Field/Subfield = 001
- Dedup Keeping: first
- Options: Remove duplicate items
- Tools > Record deduplication
- Run the task OCLCbatch_presend
- Find duplicate 035s and 997s and edit/clean appropriately
- Edit > Edit shortcuts > Field edits > Find records containing duplicate tags:
- 035$a(OCoLC)
- 997$c
- Edit > Edit shortcuts > Field edits > Find records containing duplicate tags:
- Run validation and fix errors
- Tools > Validate MARC records using local validation file
- Compile into a MARC file using naming convention: 1024500.teu.YYMMDD.mrc
- Update the tracking spreadsheet
- Send file via FTP
- Host:
- Username: teu
- Password: cwD14lnd
- Path: metacoll/in/bib
- Admin > Run a job > Records sent to WorldCat - waiting on sent file
Loading files
- Leanne and Molly receive email updates from OCLC when certain processes are completed. The email that indicates files are ready has the subject:
TEU -- The report (Bibliographic Record Processing Summary -- Data Synchronization) you requested for DATE
- Files are retrieved via FTP (see above) from /metacoll/reports and will begin:
- metacoll.TEU.datasync.1024500-1024500
- Download all files and open the .mrc file in MarcEdit. Be sure UTF8 is selected under Default Character Encoding when using MarcBreaker.
- Run the task OCLCbatch
- Compile into a MARC file, but add "_load" at the end of the filename so it doesn't overwrite the original file from OCLC.
- In Alma, go to Resources > Import and run WorldCat data sync overlay
- "Select file" and attach the _load file from above and then Submit
- View the report and note any issues
- Go to "Bibliographic records imported", Total records imported and Create itemized title set
Go to Admin > Run a job and select Post-load for WorldCat data sync (TEU)
- Select the set created above
Code | Library(s) |
TEU | Paley, Ambler, Blockson, Harrisburg, SCRC |
tulaw | Law |
TMY | Ginsburg |
QBA | Podiatry |
Note: Rome and Japan do not have OCLC accounts and their records do not get loaded into WorldCat. Both Law (tulaw) and Health Sciences (HSL=TMY; Podiatry=QBA) have their own OCLC accounts and their holdings are not currently included in this workflow.
WorldCat has catdate AND has inventory AND unsuppressed (All) - Logical
Brief Level contains keywords "10" AND
Has inventory equals "Yes" AND
Tag Suppressed (Title) equals "No"
Filter by WorldCat batch processing filter (TEU no WCAT)
rule "997.d.TEU and not exists 997.e.WCAT"
(exists "997.d.TEU") AND
(not exists "997.e.WCAT")
set indication."true"
2nd and 4th Friday of the month
MarcEdit task - OCLCbatch_presend (download)
MarcEdit task - OCLCbatch (download)
MarcEdit local validation file (download)
Processing files in OwlBox (Leanne's)
Collection ID | Collection name | Purpose | Note |
1024500 | Batchload (P010869) | Manual batchload of Paley+ holdings | Was project P010869 |
1013302 | P012765 (Marcive) | Holdings set by Marcive for govdocs | Was project P012765 |