Overview of Basecamp for questions and follow-up, etc
Higher Level project questions - Cynthia will be point person for all questions
Core project team at Ex Libris
Overview of Project Team Roles
Implementation Process and Project Timeline
Reports and Analytics training in Mid-March
On-site workshop will be a lot of reviewing our current processes and reviewing what is possible within Alma
Make sure that everything we want to do in Alma is possible
Communication and Documentation
Getting Started- Organizational Planning
Identify some "change leaders" who can communicate the overall goals and remind people of the big picture
Identify trainers - This is important as we move forward - identify designated trainers in each functional area (perhaps this would be Kathy's working group?
Review of current workflows
cleanup projects prior to test/production loads
identify others projects - before golive and after golive
Identify GoLive critical needs
are there things we don't use in Millennium, but want to use in Alma?
things that we can put into a phase 2 or phase 3 for changes after golive
Prepping for Migration
Data Cleanup
need flexibility based on things that come up after the load is done
some data cleanup may be easier to do in Alma
Technical Requirements - beginning looking at these requirements now
Meetings list
Weekly project calls - begin in January - Wednesday at 2pm
Internal Project Call - Ex Libris team
Internal Project call for Our team as well
Project Manager meeting - Fridays at 11am
Migration Meeting - Monday 10am - 12pm - Walk through migration form
Link resolver meeting - January - Look at 360 link/ntota extract
Configuration meeting - late January/Early February - discuss policies, loan and fulfillment and acquisition policies
Discovery System meetings - could be primo and/or discuss integrations
Authentication meeting - sometimes a formal meeting and sometimes just emails
3rd party integrations meeting - will get a document to fill out for all integrations
Key Deliverables and goals:
all of the todos and deadlines will be available in Basecamp
GoLive date is June 29th!
Essentials training - will be for everyone
Fundamentals training - will be for specific people
Migrations of Libraries, Locations, Vendors and internal staff users
only one load of this data
any questions we have should be discussed in the migration meeting if needed
we can still make adjustments to the data after its been loaded.