Marcive backfile & comprehensive notification project page

Marcive backfile & comprehensive notification project page

Reviewing returned files

The MARCCompare tool in MarcEdit compares two bib files and creates an html page that provides a visual display of the differences. We will use hypothes.is to collaboratively annotate and review these pages. This will require use of Chrome.

In the compare file, text with strikethrough and red highlighting represent data that were removed in the file we sent to Marcive. Underlined text highlighted in green are data that were added by Marcive processing based on our profile specifications (see profiles at right).

Commenting instructions

First you'll want to install the hypothes.is Chrome extension and create an account

Once the extension is active, navigate to one of the pages below to see the compare file generated by MARCCompare. 

TEUM (RDA enrichment, authority control, general cleanup)http://dev.padigital.org/agg-logs/TEUM_compare.html# *server decommissioned
TEUS (Special collections - Authority control, general cleanup)http://dev.padigital.org/agg-logs/TEUS_compare.html# *server decommissioned

If records are collapsed, click "Toggle Display of All Records" at the top to expand.

To activate hypothes.is, click on the icon in the top right of your browser.

You should see the annotation sidebar appear at right. To add a comment, highlight text in the webpage and click "annotate". Click "post to public" when done to make the comment visible to the rest of us. All comments/annotations submitted will be visible in the sidebar if the extension is enabled. You can reply to other comments and edit your own.

What to review

TEUS compare file (all)

Matthew Ducmanas

Katy Rawdon

SerialsMolly Larkin
ScoresCarla Davis Cunningham
Accompanying materialHolly Tomren
Audio visualCarla Davis Cunningham
E-resourcesMolly Larkin
Special collections material in TEUM file

Matthew Ducmanas

Katy Rawdon



041 language code parsingMADS

650$v to 655 mapping

Application of CMC terms in 33XMADS
260 to 264 processingMADS
CIP records (presence of 263)MADS
Marcive recon records (902 with "MARCIVE RECON PROJECT")MADS
490 0_ to 830 processingMADS
General authorities processing, including 655sMADS
Standardized GMD termsMADS
Generated 384 and 385 fieldsMADS
FAST headingsMADS


Review should be complete by the end of February. If at any point you have a question you want to send to Marcive, let Leanne Finnigan (Unlicensed) know. 

Returned sample files

Returned files guideDescription of files returned from Marcive

TEUM (RDA enrichment, authority control, general cleanup)

TEUS (Special collections - Authority control, general cleanup)

Profiles submitted to Marcive

Meeting notes


key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution issuelinks

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