We no longer keep a local file of authority records like we did in Millennium. Instead, we use Alma's cloud-based authorities database that links to controlled access points in our system. This is what drives Alma's automated authority maintenance. More on authority control in Alma here:
We continue to work with Marcive, our authorities processing vendor, for a variety of projects and maintenance tasks, including the following:
Overnight Authorities (OA)
New cataloging from TEUM and TEUS is sent manually to Marcive monthly for Overnight Authorities (OA) processing. Codes used:
Deletes from Backfile
Records that were inadvertently sent to Marcive in either Backfile or OA processing can be removed from the backfile. Cost to delete is $0.05 per control number with a maximum charge of $50.00 and a $10.00 minimum charge.
To send, supply a text list of the control numbers in the 001 of the bib record. Name this file <TEUM|TEUS>_CNSmmdd_BIB.del, where “mm” represents the month and “dd” represents the day of the month. This file should also be placed in the “input\athority\” subdirectory and an email should be sent to that includes the record count and file name.
Comprehensive Notifications Service (CNS)
Provides automated bib updates for headings updated since OA and/or backfile processing. Overnight authorities should be done immediately preceding CNS. Marcive sends a reminder that says when other processing needs to be completed and when. The import profile used only updates controlled fields with this processing to prevent accidental overlay of subsequent edits. Will need to implement processing codes if desired.
TEUM - semiannual
TEUS - annual
Backfile processing
Refreshes the database Marcive uses for CNS updates. Our first backfile took place in 2019 for TEUM and TEUS, and they will be done annually going forward. The import profile used updates all fields in order to apply updates missed during the year. Codes used:
TEUM - 902.a MARCIVE-BF 20190703 (will change to MARCIVE-BF-TEUM)
TEUS- 902.a MARCIVE-BF-SC 20190522 (will change to MARCIVE-BF-TEUS)
Table of contents and summaries
Table of contents and summary notes were added to bibliographic records in April 2019. This was a one time project to prepare for material being housed in the ASRS. Code used:
903.a MARCIVE-TOC201904