[MIGRATED TO ONEDRIVE ] 541 - Immediate source of acquisition
[MIGRATED TO ONEDRIVE ]: 541 - Immediate source of acquisition.doc
Books with Bookplates
We receive new books with bookplates in them as part of a Development campaign for the Temple University Libraries.
When a book has a red flag that indicates the book has a bookplate, add a special field to the bibliographic record to put in the name of the donor.
The field is the 541 note. Format it like this:
541 Donor last name, Donor first name ; $$c Gift ; $$d year
For example:
541 Myers, Penelope ; $$c Gift ; $$d 2006
For books that are the gift of an estate, format the note like this:
541 Jason, Mitchell, Estate of ; $$c Gift ; $$d 2015
Both indicators are blank.
The name of the donor will be supplied on the flag in the book. If the year is not given on the red flag, use the current year.
After adding the field to the record, remove the flag from the book and discard it.