CMS Workflow Functionalities

CMS Workflow Functionalities


Workflow Requirement




Authentication process/user accounts for content management

Must Have


Ability to restrict who can create a new entity/page

Must Have

Preference: lumping Create, Edit, and Delete restrictions together


Ability to restrict who can update/edit an existing entity/page

Must Have

Preference: lumping Create, Edit, and Delete restrictions together


Ability to restrict who can delete an existing entity/page

Must Have

Preference: lumping Create, Edit, and Delete restrictions together


Ability to set permissions based on individual user accounts

Won't Have (for now)

Note from Chad: "We'd have to move all permissions into db, which is going to make this VERY complicated. I'd prefer the definition of roles that get certain permissions."


Ability to define and set group permissions by role (content contributor, site editor, admin)

Must Have


Ability to define and set group permissions by functional area (Access Services, Ambler, etc.)

Won't Have (for now)

If we can't set up an approval queue, we may need to do this instead.


Ability to restrict CRUD (i.e. creating, updating, deleting) on a page-by-page basis

Won't Have (for now)

If we can't set up an approval queue, we may need to do this instead.


Approval queue, i.e. setting granular permissions for who can publish content and the ability for admins/site editors to review unpublished entities/pages before approving

Must Have

If we can't restrict permissions by functional area and/or on a page-by-page basis, we may need to do this instead.

Version Control

Ability to revert back to previous version of an entity/page

Won't Have (for now)

Note from Chad: Reverting relationships between objects is not feasible (his exact words were "nightmare scenario")

Version Control

Ability to revert back to previous version of the description field (i.e. free text, not controlled metadata fields)

Could Have

Unlike reverting entire entity, this would be feasible. From Sarah: "If someone hypothetically erases the content of the description field but does not publish the changes, will the original text be saved? If not, it seems that it would be helpful to be able to revert to the last version as a safeguard."

Version Control

Ability to identify when an entity/page was published/updated

Should Have

Version Control

Ability to idenitfy who published/updated an entity/page

Should Have

Content Editing

Ability to save a draft of an new entity/page without publishing

Should Have

Question from Emily: Will we have a test environment that could serve this function (similiar to oak.library.temple.edu)?

Content Editing

Ability to preview unpublished draft of entity/page while editing

Could Have

Question from Emily: Will we have a test environment that could serve this function (similiar to oak.library.temple.edu)?