Alma Migration Bi-Weekly Update

Important Dates/Milestones

  - Last Monday, we held the formal kick-off for Alma in a meeting hosted by Ex Libris. We reviewed the timeline for the project and many other details of what will happen over the next eight months. To read the meeting notes and watch a video of the kick-off, please view the Alma Kick-off meeting notes


  • Early next week, we hope to have access to our Alma Sandbox. We will be given 31 accounts that each have different roles and function authorizations to test different functionality. Stay tuned for more information.
  • On Tuesday next week, we will also hold our formal Kick-off meeting for the Discovery Layer Development. Emily will provide more information on that next time.

February - The next big milestone for the Alma Migration will be the end of February. This is when we will complete our first load of data into Alma. After the load is complete, we will have an opportunity to review the data and make any changes in preparation for the final data load in June.

March - Please hold the dates of March 13-17 for library-wide staff training in Alma. Again, more information on this in a future update.

  - Second and final data load and technical services freeze - On this day, we will begin the second data load and all technical services activities will be frozen until the go-live date.

 - Go Live Date - On this day, we will formally go live and begin working in Alma

Current Projects

In preparation for the data migration, several smaller projects are happening: 

  • Review of workflows - we are beginning discussions about how our internal workflows will change as result of the Alma migration
  • Reviewing/cleaning up of data - for a few months now, we've been working on purging old records and cleaning up some of the data in Millennium to make for an easier transition to Alma

Immediate Next Actions

The Implementation Team is working hard to prepare the data in Millennium for the migration to Alma. This means completing several very detailed data mapping forms.