2019-11-19 Meeting notes
2019-11-19 Meeting notes
Nov 20, 2019
@Gabe Galson@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) @Alicia Pucci @David Lacy James Evans from Atmire
Notes were taken in this document, which will be used to communicate with Atmire during the implementation
Action items
@David Lacy will confirm that we can use an Atmire-generated Let’s Encrypt SSL cert [the let’s encrypt cert is fine]
@David Lacy will look into whether we want or need to use a TU server for our OpenRepository email account
@Gabe Galson will follow up with James on CC licenses.
@Gabe Galson will follow up with James on embargoes applied through metadata values
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) will touch base with Erin and Brian on our Elsevier SIS#
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) will communicate the SIS# to James through the sheet.
James will look into DataCite integration, report back to the Temple team
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) and @Alicia Pucci will think through our DOI options once we hear back from James re: DataCite
@Gabe Galson will confirm OAI-PMH configuration with Holly, James, and possible IR Metadata group.
@Alicia Pucci will provide details to Atmire on Facets, Filters, theming and styling, logos, graphics, item page configuration, fields to display and not display in the Item Page.
@Gabe Galson will translate the implementation timeline from the sheet to Jira
Define what Atmire needs from Temple, technically
Schedule technical implementation meeting with Atmire, if needed
Identify the system connections we’ll need
OAIPMH configuration
How configurable is this?
ProQuest SWORD imports
Google analytics- new account
Embargos- what are our options for implementing these through the metadata?
, multiple selections available,