2019-11-19 Meeting notes

2019-11-19 Meeting notes


Nov 20, 2019


  • @Gabe Galson@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) @Alicia Pucci @David Lacy James Evans from Atmire

Notes were taken in this document, which will be used to communicate with Atmire during the implementation

Action items

@David Lacy will confirm that we can use an Atmire-generated Let’s Encrypt SSL cert [the let’s encrypt cert is fine]
@David Lacy will look into whether we want or need to use a TU server for our OpenRepository email account
@Gabe Galson will follow up with James on CC licenses.
@Gabe Galson will follow up with James on embargoes applied through metadata values
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) will touch base with Erin and Brian on our Elsevier SIS#
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) will communicate the SIS# to James through the sheet.
James will look into DataCite integration, report back to the Temple team
@Annie Johnson (Unlicensed) and @Alicia Pucci will think through our DOI options once we hear back from James re: DataCite
@Gabe Galson will confirm OAI-PMH configuration with Holly, James, and possible IR Metadata group.
@Alicia Pucci will provide details to Atmire on Facets, Filters, theming and styling, logos, graphics, item page configuration, fields to display and not display in the Item Page.
@Gabe Galson will translate the implementation timeline from the sheet to Jira




  • Timeline

  • Define what Atmire needs from Temple, technically


  • Schedule technical implementation meeting with Atmire, if needed



  • DataCite/DOIs

  • Identify the system connections we’ll need

    • OAIPMH configuration

      • How configurable is this?

    • ProQuest SWORD imports

    • Google analytics- new account


  • Features

    • Embargos- what are our options for implementing these through the metadata?
