2019-05-07: Meeting to discuss changes to Alma Locations

2019-05-07: Meeting to discuss changes to Alma Locations

Related Jira Tickets: 

CLMTDL-72 - Getting issue details... STATUS

BL-883 - Getting issue details... STATUS

CLMTDL-7 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Media Services

  1. DVDs
    1. New Location: ASRS/Media for all general circulating DVDs
    2. New Location: MAIN/Media Reserves for all reserve DVDs
    3. Book rules: Rules that are currently applied to MEDIA/Media should be applied to ASRS/Media
  2. Equipment
    1. Chromebooks and iPads will go to IT storage
    2. All other equipment will go to the Scholars Studio - going to makerspace locked storage area
  3. Board/Video Games
    1. Go to Scholars Studio - would like them to be visible, but not necessarily accessible
  4. Books
    1. A small number of books exist - most are 50 pgs or less and come with the Criterion DVDs
    2. These are to be added to the ASRS/ASRS location??
  5. Intra requests from Ambler currently must be picked up at Main Media.  We will want to remove this location during Paley close and make sure the Alma and BL logic reflect the change to pickup at Tuttleman (Brian)*** Cynthia follow up on that 
  6. Micro? What is the disposition of 5 titles currently at Paley (Philadelphia Inquirer, etc.)
    1. Will likely go to Kardon - there is a Kardon Micro location - double check the loan rules

Scholars Studio

  1. Current location: DSC/Ref
    1. Reference collection 
      1. is there anything that needs to be done in Alma to accommodate this location? (Holly: it already exists) DSC/Reference
      2. What are the loan rules? Is everything non-circulating? (Matt: Yes, this reference collection is entirely non-circulating)
  2. Display labels in Blacklight for the library and both locations (Reference and Equipment/Games)
  3. Current location: DSC/DSC (equipment)
    1. Circulation - depends on equipment - will work on this
  4. New location: DSC/Games 
    1. Circulation - 7 days, staff, undergraduate, faculty, law, HSL, graduate
    2. Lost item fee - $50
  5. BL Display: Loretta C. Duckworth Scholars Studio

Labels (Blacklight/Library Search work)

Library=MAIN is currently used for items in Paley Library. We are going to repurpose Library=MAIN for Charles. All labels should be changed to Charles Library. 

  1. Availability displays
    1. All ASRS, MAIN, SCRC, MEDIA, and DSC items should appear as “Not available pending move” in the Availability section
    2. except for those with the location "reserve"
  2. Library mappings
    1. Remove the masking of the ASRS library field and update mapping for library code “ASRS” to value “ASRS”
    2. update mapping for library code “MAIN” from value “Paley Library” to value “Charles Library”
  3. Request functionality
    1. This functionality should not need to change in Blacklight, but we need to verify that everything looks okay based on the Alma changes
    2. ASRS and MAIN holdings should not be requestable by any users - test that the Blacklight request form does not display these request options when the only copy is available at MAIN or ASRS.
  4. Display for locations within ASRS
    1. Books - label should read name of ASRS
    2. Media - label should read name of ASRS
    3. Non-circulating - label should read name of ASRS

Non-circulating ASRS books

  1. How do we want to handle these
    1. Create Location: ASRS/Reference
    2. Label: ASRS/ASRS
    3. Loan policy: non-circulating 
    4. Item policy: set to non-circulating
    5. BL display reads: Library Use Only

Lending/Request Changes

    1. New loan rule to make ASRS/* books not loanable and not requestable for all patron groups.
      1. Non requesting - put in place 8pm on Wednesday
      2. Non loanable - put in place 8pm on Thursday
    2. The exception to this rule will be ASRS/ASRS_TEST. This subset of records should be left requestable so that we can test the ASRS request feature. 

Main/Kardon Location review

  1. MAIN library
    1. MAIN ILL - confirm with Justin if/how we use this, as opposed to the Resource Sharing library locations, to see if it is still needed
      1. Holly will make a list to review
      2. This is still being used for hold things that were on the hold shelf but never processed - need to keep this
    2. MAIN intref - this should be able to go away, after we clear out the remaining items.
      1. These items were behind the reference desk 
      2. Holly is working with Andrew to remove these items
      3. Move remaining items to MAIN/Reference
    3. MAIN juvenile - no change
    4. MAIN leisure - no change
    5. MAIN psof2 - this should be able to go away once we confirm all have moved to Kardon
      1. Look at this stuff at the end of summer after the migration
      2. These are in Kardon
    6. MAIN psof3 - this should be able to go away once we have confirm all have moved to Kardon
      1. Look at this stuff at the end of summer after the migration
      2. These are in Kardon
    7. MAIN psov2 - this should be able to go away - all remaining will either go to Main Stacks or Kardon Oversize
      1. Look at this stuff at the end of summer after the migration
      2. May end up in browsing, ASRS or Kardon - will need to confirm
    8. MAIN psov3 - this should be able to go away - all remaining will either go to Main Stacks or Kardon Oversize
      1. Look at this stuff at the end of summer after the migration
      2. May end up in browsing, ASRS or Kardon - will need to confirm
    9. MAIN reference - all but 9 items will go to ASRS. We will keep the location for a few items that will be housed in the Charles consulation space.
    10. MAIN reserve - no change
    11. MAIN serials - no change (Current Periodicals)
    12. MAIN stacks - no change (repurposed as Charles stacks)
    13. MAIN techserv - we will retain the location for a few items, but most have been moved to Kardon
    14. MAIN zpaley (News Center) - will Charles have a News Center? If so, no change, except change the description from Paley to Charles.
      1. Change to MAIN/Serials

    15. Note about all of the above: The descriptions are a mix of “Main” and “Paley” - decide whether to use “Main” or “Charles” consistently going forward. The Main library description should also be updated from Paley Library to Charles Library.
  2. KARDON library
    1. KARDON p_GovDovs - change description from Paley GovDocs to Remote GovDocs?
    2. KARDON p_govdocmf - change description from Paley GovDoc Micro to Remote GovDoc Micro?
    3. KARDON p_media - change description from Paley Remote Media to Remote Media?
    4. KARDON p_micro - change description from Paley Remote Micro to Remote Micro?
    5. KARDON p_oversize - change description from Paley Remote Oversize to Remote Oversize?
    6. KARDON p_remote - change description from Paley Remote Stacks to Remote Stacks?


Equipment at service desk (i.e. the dvd players and HDMI cables, headphone splitters, calculators) - MAIN/Charles Service Desk

**Follow up meeting on wording/communication to staff about closed hold shelf vs. open hold shelf and what goes where

Justin is following up with Margery about the location of the 5 micro titles that are currently still located in Paley. Will these go to SCRC or to Kardon?

BL: Need to change the labeling of DSC to Loretta C. Duckworth Scholars Studio

BL: Need to change the labeling of Remote Storage, ____ to just Remote Storage

New Location: ASRS/Media - for all general circulating DVDs

New Location: MAIN/Media Reserves - for all reserve DVDs

New Location: DSC/Games - for all video and board games moving out of Media services

New Location: ASRS/Reference - for all non-circulating ASRS books

New Location: MAIN/Service Desk - for all desk/think tank reference materials