2019-12-13 Lutron Lighting Meeting notes

2019-12-13 Lutron Lighting Meeting notes


Dec 13, 2019


  • @Cynthia Schwarz (Unlicensed)

  • @Evan Weinstein

  • @David Lacy

  • Ray Lauff

  • Paul Rudalavage

  • Adam Ferrero

  • Bill Barnes

  • Larry Brandolph

  • Kamren Nizami



  • We can bring this online around January 2020

  • Schedule a follow up meeting end of December to discuss the timeline for setup in January.

  • Schedule a follow up with Lutron Commissioning Agent

  • Lutron Commissioning Agent will need to install some thing

  • Training will be scheduled once server is up and running


  • Need to talk about how to put a server on the Facilities Management Subnet

    • Adam may have some thoughts about this

  • Commissioning person will need access to the network that the processors are on

    • Can connect directly to the processor or connect to any port on the network

    • Identify a jack that can be put on that network where they can connect to the VLAN - Evan will identify and communicate this to Adam’s team


Discussion topics



  • Kamren can assign someone from his team to this project to be the primary point of contact and will work with Cynthia

  • Server 2016 v. Server 2019 - we would need to install on Windows Server 2016.

  • Requirement: Vendor VPN is not a requirement, but that access would allow someone to work remotely with the on-site person - we would prefer to not do this, but instead set up a zoom session when support is needed

  • Commissioning agent - will be through EJ, but copy Paul Rudalavage

  • Server cost: Sean Ounan will be covering the cost of the server

  • Training - will be lutron field technician once the server is ready

  • Once the server is ready, someone from Lutron will need to install the software and database

Action items
